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Make a minimuseum

Make a minimuseum

A museum collects objects and tells stories about them.

Museon-Omniversum in The Hague has collected more than 300,000 objects! Stuffed animals, garments, musical instruments, old computers, fossils and lots and lots of stones! What do you collect? Turn your collection into your own mini-museum!

Maybe you collect stones too or you just pick one up trom time to time when you're out somewhere. lf so, it' s fun to make your own minimuseum ! Of course, if you're not interested in stones, you can do it with other things, likes leaves or shells.

We are curious about your mini-museum! Send a photo to info@museon-omniversum.nl!

Let's go!

  • Collect all the stones (or other things) that will have a place in your museum. 
  • Find a place in your house where you will make your museum. It can be on a small table, on the floor, in your bedroom, on an empty shelf in the bookcase... it doesn't matter where. Maybe it can even be in the window frame for people walking by to see!
  •  If you like, you can pimp it with a rug and, of course, a signboard!
  •  Give all your stones or other nature finds a nice spot. If you think your stones are a bit boring, you can paint them, for example.
  •  Also collect some blocks or other things to put some stones on. You can also make them yourself from lego or duplo. In a museum, statues often stand on a block. This is called a pedestal.
  • If you have a very special stone, you can put a glass or plastic container over it. In a museum, such a thing is called a display case.
  • In a museum, there is usually an information sign next to everything. It says, for example:
    - the name of the object: think up a nice name for your objects
    - the origin: this means where the object comes from. It could be a certain country or the neighbour's garden.
    - special features: what is beautiful or special about your object? Maybe it has certain magical powers.
    - Collection number: in a museum, every object has a number. Give your objects a number, too.